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My Great Grand Father Samuel Clough
Missouri Poet Laureate 2002 - Mildred B. Goldner Carmichael


Winner -  Third Annual Felma Glaser Memorial Poetry Award

From Brittan’s rough and rugged land
Time would send a worthy hand
Raising from old and ancient seed
He came into being with all due speed.


A just and true and worthy man.
From the era of the Lords of Rohan.
And as fate and time did unfold somehow
This man was know as Samuel Clough.


By boat and barefoot he traversed this land
From his home in Maine to “Orleans sand,
On to Liverpool and back again.

Many a map he sold to supply his needs
And bring to pass his purpose and deeds.
In turning money, he did not tarry.
A thousand acres, he said, before I marry
This, his goal, he did gain
And then, did it over, several times the same.


With oxen and ax, many a lathe he did split
To cover with shingles, each house that within he would set.
His progeny were many, namely thirteen.
With wife, Mary Finley Morley, they were really quiet a team.



At six foot four, he had startling eyes of blue,
A full white beard and wavy hair too.
A commanding figure, honored by most and ignored by very few,
He treated with kindness everyone that he knew.


In’64, two sections of land, and a partial one too

Of the government he bought, to begin anew.
By ox cart and team he crossed the land
And made the world better by the works of his hand.


When finally time come to take his leave
And there would be no more comings and goings
that the course of his being would weave.


Reflection and thought, he gave to his life
And held no angst for the worlds worries and strife.


A good and thankful man was Samuel Clough
And, Before Our Father his head he did bow.


When he parted this earth, On his deathbed he did sigh,
“The Lord is my Shepherd”, I have no fear to die.
The Heavenly Hosts he did trust for his soul to keep,
as the angels came and gently took him to sleep

     Chapter meetings are held on the third Saturday of April, July, November, January. 

     An additional meeting is held in May every 5th year when the chapter celebrates a special birthday anniversary. (Our next milestone birthday is May 2019.)

Contact us for the location and time of our next meeting.

This site is property of the Aux Arcs Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Colonists. Graphics and information may not be copied or edited in any way without permission from the National Society. Web hyperlinks to non-DAC sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAC, the state societies, or individual DAC chapters.

July 2018


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